Meet Tubie Life

abbott chronic illness feeding tube feeding tube backpack Feeding tube life freego g tube hidden disability infinity pump j tube ng tube ngbuddies nj tube nutricia peg tube TPN tube fed tube feeding tubie cheeks tubie doodles Tubie Kids tubie life Tubie Love Tubie Mom tubie smile tubie tape tubieego tubielifeuk


Our story
 began in 2019 after over 11 years on and off in hospital admissions. This changed when I received a correct diagnosis and a community plan in place for Naso-Gastric Feeding.

Our products bring fashion together with self confidence growing designs to own and put your own stamp on the equipment that keeps us alive. It all started when I was sent home with a bag from the home feeding company that was... well... boring, black and in-practical. I couldn't carry anything but my feed and pump and felt my medical needs were becoming my personality.

I wanted to change this and Tubie Life was created.

Fashionable Feeding Tube Backpacks, fun printed Tubie Tape and Accessories allowed me to show my personality and reclaim a part of me that was missing. 

Now I can be proud of who I am and what I need to keep me alive.
Tubie Life products have increased my quality of life, Self confidence and Self Esteem.
I wanted to be able to empower people and give the confidence I have felt to children, teenagers and adults that are tube dependant and that having medical equipment doesn't define who you are.

These products help by Making the World a Little More Accessible.

Explore the world, experience your own adventures

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